I'm burning for you

I was on my way into town tonight to pick up some photos I’d had developed. I turned the corner, and on the side of the road in oncoming traffic was a minivan pulled over with its rear wheel on FIRE. I don’t mean smoking, this thing was burning up something fierce. There was a police car parked behind the minivan, its lights on, but apparently the officer hadn’t got out of the car yet, was finishing a donut, or didn’t have an extinguisher. The minivan occupants were milling around on the side of the road no doubt forecasting the demise of their vehicular transportation. I was turning right at the time, and on my side of the road a trucker had pulled his rig over and was attempting to cross the road with his rather large fire extinguisher. The four or five cars ahead of me, however, kept honking at him and not letting him through when he attempted to cross the road. He was rather mad about this, naturally, and had to wait for FOUR cars before I let him pass.


A man stands on your side of the road with a fire extinguisher…
Across the road a minivan is on fire
YOU don’t let the fire extinguisher guy go in front of you because… you are in a hurry??

I swear, if I didn’t wield very strong command of my more basic instincts I’d be gunning my engine and running people down out of frustration more often.

In order to further confuse me, I managed to go get my photos, wait in line, drive all the way back to the place of the burning van and…. the fire trucks were JUST arriving. ????

Okay, rant over.

I’d still like to know why I can drive all over the place with my camera in the backseat and things like this NEVER happen then!

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